Installing Pyflame

You have two options for installing Pyflame: you can try a pre-built package, or you can install from source. To build from source, you will need a C++ compiler with basic C++11 support. Pyflame is known to compile on versions of GCC as old as GCC 4.6.

Build Dependencies

Generally you’ll need autotools, automake, libtool, pkg-config, and the Python headers. If you have headers for both Python 2 and Python 3 installed you’ll get a Pyflame build that can target either version of Python.


Install the following packages if you are building for Debian or Ubuntu. Note that you technically only need one of python-dev or python3-dev, but if you have both installed then you can use Pyflame to profile both Python 2 and Python 3 processes.

# Install build dependencies on Debian or Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev g++ pkg-config python-dev python3-dev libtool make


Again, you technically only need one of python-devel and python3-devel, although installing both is recommended.

# Install build dependencies on Fedora.
sudo dnf install autoconf automake gcc-c++ python-devel python3-devel libtool


Once you’ve installed the appropriate build dependencies, you can compile Pyflame like so:

./configure      # Plus any options like --prefix.
make check       # Optional, test the build! Should take < 1 minute.
make install     # Optional, install into the configure prefix.

The Pyflame executable produced by the make command will be located at src/pyflame. Note that the make check command requires that you have the virtualenv command installed. You can also sanity check your build with a command like:

# Or use -t python3, as appropriate.
pyflame -t python -c 'print(sum(i for i in range(100000)))'

Creating A Debian Package

If you’d like to build a Debian package, run the following from the root of your Pyflame git checkout:

# Install additional dependencies required for packaging.
sudo apt-get install debhelper dh-autoreconf dpkg-dev

# This create a file named something like ../pyflame_1.3.1_amd64.deb
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

Pre-Built Packages

Several Pyflame users have created unofficial pre-built packages for different distros. Uploads of these packages tend to lag the official Pyflame releases, so you are strongly encouraged to check the pre-built version to ensure that it is not too old. If you want the newest version of Pyflame, build from source.


Evan Klitzke maintains a Conda package of Pyflame:

conda install -c eklitzke pyflame

Ubuntu PPA

Trevor Joynson has set up an unofficial PPA for all current Ubuntu releases: ppa:trevorjay/pyflame.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:trevorjay/pyflame
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pyflame

Note also that you can build your own Debian package easily, using the one provided in the debian/ directory of this project.

Arch Linux

Oleg Senin has added an Arch Linux package to AUR.